
@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Thus far there's been approximately ONE example, perhaps two, in S4 or 5 of Buffy, and she just came back and said "yeah I went to LA and it was totally fine whatever".

Is there anywhere you can find a list of exactly what order to watch Buffy and Angel in? I'm working through Buffy now, and used to watch some Angel at the time, but now I'm sure I've missed a bunch of opportunities, as I'm halfway through season 5.

I would, but she is so SMALL. I think I'd just like to be her pal, a lot.

What's a "flood", and how do you DIE in one.

I am puzzled by the concept. The health systems are too different for it to be a direct transfer. But that's usually when the transfer works, right? When they don't try to do an exact copy.

There's a programme mentioned in the memoir where the long-term and more reliable inmates train seeing-eye dogs. That confused me too, until I read the book.

I know a couple who have been together for 10 years, and are now 25. I was really concerned until she said words like "meh, as long as I'm the one he comes home to, I don't need to know". And it fully works both ways. So it can work, and in fact strengthen things, if you really want that person, but also to be a well

She was clearly the 'budget' entrant though. Never won the titles.

I reckon it mainly applies to men, and it seems to have happened in the last 50 years. My dad had a bachelor uncle who used to take a couple of his sisters away for a week in a caravan in the 50s.

I liked the detail of Kristen Wiig as young Lucille adding the fake endorsement of Babytock over the voice of dead Tracey.

Small minded attitude, unlike saying 'this show's for girls? Seriously?

Crazy Eyes doesn't like her any more though. She told her she's not a good person. And she's probably right.

Well they made that an overt comparison with both mothers criticism of respective daughter's hair.

Fun fact part two: she was the lesbian Miranda was set up with by her boss in Sex and the City.

But I believe @barry_convex:disqus is saying that Claudette, as a child, also didn't want to take a shower. And why was that? I don't remember that happening, myself.

Bad lip fillers.

Generally being a bit misogynistic? The fact that he had a male-order bride suggests he doesn't relate well to women, which has led to his strange obsessions and fetishisation.

Yes I really hated that one review I read - don't think it was here - took the whole thing as she'd been imprisoned for punching that lady in the tit. I mean, clearly that wasn't even how the one episode resolved that arc - you knew they'd been forced into becoming accessories to murder or some shady goings on.

Very human. There are lots of greedy, stupid, dangerous and bad people out there.

The gay male creators who created it for gay males?