Remy Lane

I watched Aliens in America for an Islamic media class, expecting the show to be absolutely terrible. Such an underrated show, and Dan Byrd made it. That boy has got awkward comedic timing down pat (not to mention heartache - he sells the hell out of all the pain from the Laurie/Travis circling).

I watched Aliens in America for an Islamic media class, expecting the show to be absolutely terrible. Such an underrated show, and Dan Byrd made it. That boy has got awkward comedic timing down pat (not to mention heartache - he sells the hell out of all the pain from the Laurie/Travis circling).

Every time I think I've recovered from Chuck ending, something crops up and reminds me of it, and then my soul dies a little bit more. Both weddings in Chuck were gorgeous and wrenching (not to mention the finale….), and yes, this totally ranked up there. That scene was absolutely made by the music. Beautiful.

Every time I think I've recovered from Chuck ending, something crops up and reminds me of it, and then my soul dies a little bit more. Both weddings in Chuck were gorgeous and wrenching (not to mention the finale….), and yes, this totally ranked up there. That scene was absolutely made by the music. Beautiful.

That had never ever crossed my mind, and now it will be the only thing I think about when I watch this show from now on. Awkwardddd.

That had never ever crossed my mind, and now it will be the only thing I think about when I watch this show from now on. Awkwardddd.

That scene is pure perfection. The song selection was perfect - I made it my ringtone not long after. Just people hanging out and being the epitome of happy….it's something we all want. That moment. Love it.

Oh my God Cappie. I miss Cappie and the rest of the Greek crew so much.

You just made my mind explode. I would've never made that connection - he's so restrained here compared to the hyper monster he was on Hannah Montana.

I somehow missed the news about Frances Bay's passing, so the opening
was kind of a shocker to me, but it was fantastic. Sweet and sad and
hilarious all together - and, yet again, this show serves to mirror my own family
(from the conversation in the car to the school project debacle…). I said last week that the show

I'd say the last few episodes haven't been the best showcase for Neil Flynn (fantastic episodes, but he's been fairly sidelined in them). I'd recommend going back and watching the episodes "Errand Boy" and "Halloween II". Any episode where he gets to play the concerned and protective father to Sue is a standout

That's what I was surprised about. Why make the trip up to (basically) Round Rock instead of going to Lockhart? Much, MUCH better BBQ.

Oh, fully agreed! - they are terrible compared to the other talents from that season. The only reason I'd want to throw them in is for the personality factor.

The main question I have to ask is - why are there no contestants from Season 3?! That season was full of talented personalities who would have been entertaining as hell to watch interact with some of the less talented contestants of the later seasons. C'mon, adding in Uli or Mychael or even Angela and "It turns me

You are not alone. I've been defending this show as a great comedy since it started, and I look forward to a new episode every week. "Modern Family"…ehh, I love you, and I enjoy my DVR catch-up sessions, but you aren't must-see TV. I agree with Shirley - it's so much more relatable. Half the time I feel like I'm