
Pilot Pick: Salamander (ABC) Wednesday at 9:00

Today would be the day for it!

Plan 9 is great! I also recommend The Apple.

PDN phoned in plenty of Supernatural and Teen Wolf reviews way back in the day.

How about no?

I also found that out about a month or so back. it was truly devastating.

I can't believe I spaced out on Add/Drop…Goodbye ballot standings!

*rimshot gif*

This is the perfect example of stellar Username/Comment Synergy. Have an upvote.

Obligatory Self Deprecating One Liner.

I always remember him as that guy from the episode of Lost where we found out Locke used to live in a hippie commune.

Om Shanti Om is amazing.

The Good Place on Tuesday

Conviction on Wednesday

Xander was most certainly The Heart.

Scott Hope turned out to be gay in the end.

You're thinking of the Canadian Devil, Beelzeboot.

I've had nothing but good experiences from the "Distant Worlds" Final Fantasy concerts. I don't see why this should be any different.

I actually worked at a McDonald's that had a 24 hour lobby. They're rare, but they do exist.

It was renewed a couple months back.