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    Rock Over London, Rock on Chicago.
    Sam Goody. Goody got it.

    I don't know about best cover ever but I assumed we were talking about Cake's cover of Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town

    That's a joke, right?

    The Burbs
    Jerry Goldsmith's score to my favorite Joe Dante film is just perfect for the flick and on its own. The perfect melding of horror movie and western scores just fits so perfectly for a film about a bunch of guys that "cowboy" their way into their neighbor's secret lives as satanic killers. I also feel like I

    Did you ever watch Arrested Development?

    Ben Folds (Five)
    That's exactly who came to mind for me when I saw the question. I went kind of nuts back in the day in that I had to have every track recorded which means I ended up with a couple of "Kate" singles, a couple of "Army" singles, I don't know how many "Brick" singles, a bunch of crap soundtracks that I

    Anime Kill Bill
    I remember, I think it was about the time that Vol. 2 came out, reading that Tarantino wanted to do an anime-style prequel that went through Bill's upbringing with Pei Mei, Hatori Hanzo and Esteban Vihaio as his three father figures.

    I'm with Carson on why no Pretty Toney? That album is amazing. I know that I'm the minority but I actually like it better than Supereme Clientele.

    Can I thoroughly enjoy both "Planet Terror" and "Death Proof"?

    Weezer hasn't done anything up to par since Matt Sharp left the band. He may have been the bassist but that dude was the soul of the band.

    Best Reason to Own This DVD
    The Macbeth sketch from MTV's Spring Break is on the bonus disk. This is something I have been talking about for years and it still made me laugh out loud when I watched it the other day.

    Eff that! I still have my copy of "The State - Sketchers and Stickers* (*Stickers Not Included)" on VHS and I still laugh my ass off every time I watch it.

    In Bangor Maine you're allowed to run around yelling "Bangor? Bangor? I wish. All I got was a hand job." until 8P.M. E.S.T.

    I'm ripping off "Spam Javelin" for my next Rock Band/Guitar Hero name. It makes me laugh.