
Lt. Broccoli with the receipts!

was that when they made Nas change his album title?

take that back, you sonofabitch

But Macron totally won the original one too

maybe that's crediting the photographer?


that didn't seem to work out for Calvin and Hobbes too well though

prior: it stood for nothing, just some stoner frog in a comic strip
currently: hate


I thought the last thing the world needed was Marine Pene to win France.

I dunno, the last time I saw a full blown nazi, I got off work early and this drunk shirtless guy with a swastika on his chest comes up to me to ask me if a gas station about two blocks away sells four loko. Don't think he had a job.

Or the ones giving it good reviews are telling what we've known all along and the ones giving it bad reviews are in the pocket of George Soros.

women with brains don't get pregnant?

That's what this is. People buy the box set (or digital files) and the people putting this compilation together donate the proceeds to Planned Parenthood.

Do you believe that organizations who receive government funding should not accept donations?

Or if you're a man.

It's not. The studio version has been available for years.

yeah, Planned Parenthood does STD testing

"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this