
If I'm faced with a herd of zombies and have a bunch of vehicles, why not just DRIVE AWAY??!! Drive around for a bit (on those heretofore relatively safe roads) and return when the herd has passed. What is wrong with these people!? (Not that I'm complaining about getting off that damn farm. Not one bit. No siree.)

There's nothing hilarious about the return of The Killing.

T-Dogg makes Peggy look like Tuco.

This damn show reminds me of a great passage of criticism by Anthony Lane, "
As a rough rule, cinema can be sundered into two halves: six o’clock films and nine o’clock films. Most movies are nine o’clock affairs, and none the worse for it. You get home from work, grab something to eat, head to the theatre, and enjoy

As much as the show may be (currently) suffering from the "too many baddies" disease, it's a testament to the writers and actors that we can keep everyone sorted out. All the majors are well defined by only a few minutes on screen each ep.

Peeg sheit. Loved the vernacular!

Yeah, that scene really was a pull from Pulp Fiction. But, if you're going to steal, do it from the best.

What was disconcerting to me about that scene was Raylan's reaction.  He made a confused/disturbed face at the end. Quarles puts Raylan off his normal confident perch. That is truly a new development in this show.

I totally agree. Very easy to accomplish a more authentic setting by simply going to a BBQ restaurant. (And as a former Lexingtonian, let me tell you, the BBQ there is tops. Billy's FTW!)

As badass as Raylan's line was, Quarles' response took my breath away. Raylan hasn't come up against a mega-baddie like Quarles. He's playing on a whole different level.


But did she keep it tight?

According to Jack, it was a scotch fountain.

Betamax superior to VHS?
"For most consumers the difference as seen on the average television was negligible."

Is it just me, or does the sister look like a glam Seattle Courtney Cox?

Actual comment from an actual Army wife husband
Ok, so I'm in the Army (eight years now—time, she does fly). I'm liberal, anti-war, but relatively at peace with my decisions (and planning on getting out pretty soon).

Seconded and thirded!

Why no music over the ending credits?

I think it's because Mark was LOADED.