
Oh I'm so glad this got a write-up. Thanks for the thoughtful review Brandon!

Liked for "brooding Swedish vampire"

So should I keep leaving semi-aggressive messages on unrelated articles?

God dammit AV club! Do a write up of please like me!

In that case, I'll stop lurking and request coverage as well.

What! Shailene Woodley said that? No! What! No!

I'm actually kinda hoping for a scene in the finale where Frank decides to accept that he's dying, and calls all his kids together so that he can say goodbye… but they're all too busy dealing with their own shit to get to Sheila's in time, and anyways they think he's lying or something, and so he dies alone, realizing

I don't mind being the person who makes the inevitable Emmy-Rossum-is-fucking-slaying-it comment. Because Miss Rossum is fucking slaying it. Noel Fisher's been unexpectedly great this season, as well. It almost looks as though Ian's storyline will end up being more about Mickey than about Ian - which I have no

I feel the same way, but I know with absolute certainty that I won't be able to pass up on reading the walkthroughs. Anything to get a little more Hannibal in my week!

Mickey in his awkward button down shirt and stolen cologne was hilarious, and a bit endearing. Certainly a step up from the last seasons, when, if I recall correctly, he had literal dirt smeared all over his face.

Have these people never read his Glee reviews? Or some of the early American Horror Story ones?
Things of beauty, btw.

Exactly. It's a bit annoying that they're trying to convince us that the physically abusive, closeted thug is a the best choice for Ian, but damn if I didn't feel a little twinge in my cold dead heart in their last scene. So sweet!

Except to Ian. He's punched Ian more than once, I think

Doubt away…

God yeah I remember finding their collective blase attitude to all the crazy shit that goes on around Liam amusing in past seasons, which is horrifying now

Slaughterhouse supervisor - baby chicks division

I can barely formulate my thoughts I'm so shaken by this episode. Fiona's decision to keep the coke - was that her embracing the sentiment she expressed to Mike, about not deserving normalcy? God Liam's tiny little body..
And even worse, after waiting for weeks to get practical, (if crazy-in-love) reassuring, lovely

Yeah… that kid's way more endearing than Carl. That kid sings!

I miss Ian+Lip. Always my favorite interactions on the show.

I'm not crazy about - is his name Mike? - but at this stage, I will welcome anyone-who-is-not-Steve/Jimmy. I broke out in a rash from his condescension in the pilot that lasted three whole seasons