Chet Haze

my mom saw the brood when she was pregnant with me.

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus  oh i just looked at ET.
and didn't he do something on alien too?

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus  oh i just looked at ET.
and didn't he do something on alien too?

that hemsworth.

that hemsworth.

i read that as freebase.

i read that as freebase.

somewhere george lucas is smoking a cigar and laughing.

somewhere george lucas is smoking a cigar and laughing.

i guess he won't be designing any more aliens…

i guess he won't be designing any more aliens…

@avclub-07c09ba3a403585b6c93f73d03983079:disqus  he does sing quite a bit about the ghetto and the barrio and the bowery and the slums.

@avclub-07c09ba3a403585b6c93f73d03983079:disqus  he does sing quite a bit about the ghetto and the barrio and the bowery and the slums.

Taylor Swift is about as country as Nick Cave is gangsta.

Taylor Swift is about as country as Nick Cave is gangsta.

africa is ironically one of my favorite songs too.

africa is ironically one of my favorite songs too.


sean o'neal! dawes! dan harmon!

sean o'neal! dawes! dan harmon!