
I posted about You Can Count On Me already, but these movies were the second things that came to mind. I've been mirroring the characters' ages as they come out, so much of Julie Delpy's dialogue struck a chord with me. Looking forward to the final installment very much.

I love that movie and I'm surrounded by people who really do not. I think it's because they've never traveled and haven't experienced that feeling of being somewhere where you don't speak the language, don't understand the food or the customs. It can be both exhilarating and isolating. This movie nailed that feeling.

Apparently they were supposed to, but when Robert Downey Jr as Ducky had to leave the project and Jon Cryer was cast, Molly Ringwald no longer felt the chemistry and no longer felt the ending made sense, so they reshot. Meanwhile Andrew McCarthy had shaved his head for a role in a play on Broadway or something, thus

A few years ago, when my little brother was living with me in my tiny apartment on my couch, I rented You Can Count on Me. Thinking it was a story about the relationship between the uncle and the nephew, I didn't realize how much it focused on the brother/sister relationship. Specifically, the relationship between a

That's so great.

I saw him then too, in Las Vegas in 2004. At a little sports memorabilia store selling autographs. There was no one lined up. He was just sitting at a little table alone, so his handlers shut it down.

Also, believe the next episode is quite a ways away, like nearer to the end of March or something.

Wisdom and Powers: The newest comic book duo. It writes itself, really.

Yeah, it seems like the show previously just was meta. Now it feels like they need to expressly tell us, "Pay attention because right now we're beingmeta."

I agree. I was strongly reminded of Lost in Translation while watching, one of my favorite movies.

Self-indulgent it may have been, but I really liked this episode, in particular for its portrayal of what happens when the magic, or some would say illusion, of a fling or an affair or a one night stand breaks. The warm colors and lighting that we see during their time together disappear in the morning when Hannah

Yes, but, minor complaint, they didn't make the effort to it in the Québecois accent. It was definitely a fake French accent. Had they done that, that would have blown my mind!

I came to post something similar. I was embarrassingly thrilled to see Archer was in Montreal at the beginning of the episode, and I wished he had stayed longer. BUT he did say, "Shut your poutine hole," which was… There are no words. I'm happy.

Her extended Whaaaaaaa….. in response to Jess's news definitely earned her some comedy points.

I agree. It wasn't the best show, Martin Short's show will be hard to beat, but it was certainly no worse than some others we've seen this season. I enjoyed her opening monologue, Moynihan as Manti Te'o, The Hobbit spoof, the diner, Danielle, Anthony Crispino's appearance, and Lawrence's inability to rhyme on the Minn

I keep hoping for them to show Gunnar realizing how much he's acting out of insecurity and how unfair he's been to Scarlett, but the show hasn't given us that moment, even though that seems to be the character they've drawn for him. Is it possible they think he's in the right?

In my experience extremely religious people have the shortest engagements of all. I bought it because they seem to be playing FTT's feelings for real. He's completely unaware of who his new wife really is at her core. Mostly because she's putting up a good front, even to herself.

I like to sometimes play Was this Filmed in Canada? It's a simple game: Detect a Canadian accent, usually heard in the secondary characters of any given project, then confirm the shooting location on imdb.

His voiceover gave me goosebumps. He should do all the "In a world gone mad…" trailer jobs.

His voiceover gave me goosebumps. He should do all the "In a world gone mad…" trailer jobs.