
I actually made a pilgrimage to Monroeville in the mid 00s specifically to go to the "Dawn of the Dead Mall." There was a lot that was the same, but I was surprised at how much of it felt like any of my local Boston area malls. It was cool to walk around a place I'd never been to, but knew exactly where everything was

not sure if Shout is Sold out but it's 49.99 on their site directly and you get a bonus disc of live stuff and the booklet autographed by Dave Wakeling. I bought mine there, it was worth the extra $10 or so

not sure if Shout is Sold out but it's 49.99 on their site directly and you get a bonus disc of live stuff and the booklet autographed by Dave Wakeling. I bought mine there, it was worth the extra $10 or so

I too pretty much vicariously went to camp via TV and movies. However my tastes tended to lean in the slasher/monster direction so I was pretty damn glad that I never went to camp. Despite the   even more amped up boobage in Sleep Away Camp and the Friday the 13th  movies, it just didn't seem worth the risk. I also

I too pretty much vicariously went to camp via TV and movies. However my tastes tended to lean in the slasher/monster direction so I was pretty damn glad that I never went to camp. Despite the   even more amped up boobage in Sleep Away Camp and the Friday the 13th  movies, it just didn't seem worth the risk. I also

I think I remember reading a similar article and some bands were using them as practice spaces or something.  The closest we ever had around here were the ones in the basements of municipal buildings. I remember near the kiln in the basement of my elementary school they had a doorway to one, and it had all the CDF

I think I remember reading a similar article and some bands were using them as practice spaces or something.  The closest we ever had around here were the ones in the basements of municipal buildings. I remember near the kiln in the basement of my elementary school they had a doorway to one, and it had all the CDF

The pseudo-scientific explanations and schematics in the old Marvel Handbooks were also my favorite parts, due to this secret lair factor.

The pseudo-scientific explanations and schematics in the old Marvel Handbooks were also my favorite parts, due to this secret lair factor.

When I first heard this song on the radio at age 8 or 9, I thought Eddie Deezen sang it. I thought this for many years. I blame it on endless cable viewings of "Midnight Madness"

When I first heard this song on the radio at age 8 or 9, I thought Eddie Deezen sang it. I thought this for many years. I blame it on endless cable viewings of "Midnight Madness"

He also had a short lived show on the original comedy central (when it was called C-TV and then The Comedy Channel before it merged with HA!) called "Onion World" that I remember loving, but have not been able to find a single clip of or anyone else who remembers anything about it.

He also had a short lived show on the original comedy central (when it was called C-TV and then The Comedy Channel before it merged with HA!) called "Onion World" that I remember loving, but have not been able to find a single clip of or anyone else who remembers anything about it.

I assume he'll play a role, they really went out of their way to show that he had tech that can defeat Observers (that Supernatural Demon Trap thing, the super fast gun, etc) so I think they are implying he's got some specialized knowledge of how they work that I can only assume the team will need to fight them.

I too first saw this on Night Flight as a young kind (probably 6?) and it really disturbed me. None of the video stores near me had it, so the only other encounters I had with it for a long time were reading and re-reading the chapter on it in Danny Peary's Cult Movies book and also having the soundtrack on vinyl.  In

Sorry if its already been mentioned but the "Adventures in Babysitting" pilot may be the worst one I can think of. They burned it off in the Summer and I was even shocked at that.

Didn't Art Carney play Santa, or a variation of Santa, in three or four different TV shows? The only other specific one I can think of is "The Night They Saved Christmas", and as a kid I always kind of assumed he was playing the former Henry Corwin now Santa, since that movie is several decades after the TZ episode.

I was a big WLVI viewer (and card carrying member of the "Kids Club") but I think I mostly experienced this latch key kid pre-school ritual with TV38's line up which was He-Man and Filmation's Ghostbusters.  I actually didn't have to be at school until 830 but I would get up at 530 to watch the weird fringe hours kids

Pepsi also had "Pepsi AM" in the early 80s, I don't remember if it actually had coffee in it or if they were just marketing it as a coffee alternative in the morning.

Thanks again for putting this whole thing together. It was well worth the trek down from Boston (even though I booked a few comedy gigs down there just to add to the illusion that I wasn't just spending eight hours on a bus and springing for a hotel room to see a reunion of my favorite show as a kid, although that was