npr pledge drive

Sara Silverman did a good job last election telling young parents to cut off access to the grand kids if they voted republican

says the guy whose been dead for 300 years

two turn tables and a microphone that aint country

How bout you give us franch dressing like breaking bad proposed


"Yes its true you're all cartoons dreamed up by me Seth Rogan here's the studio where I gave you life, here's the animators I didn't pay."

bout it

ever turn a furby upside down to hear it scream totally worth it

oh a furby
oh god its still alive
Kill me
*hits it with shovel*
best Titus

we can all agree Walmart owes him some god dam discounts though

Im personally waiting for the day Norris is beaten to death by a bunch of Latino day laborers its all gonna be part of the snuff film that Robert Rodriguez is working on in his spare time

Wrong bloated has-been- Well you got the right bloated has been Russia but hoping you would take Donald considering your environment has everything his species needs to survive; corruption, cushy contracts for the Kremlin's friends, plenty trafficked blond eastern European women, no judgment tanning salons and plenty

So did the real life guy not train with guns period or is that just a detail the movie added because if that's the case I can kinda see where the other solders might have been a little bit justified to whoop his ass. I mean you dont carry a gun in battle that one thing. (solders really love it when they have to

All well and good Pam but are you gonna pick me up from the airport?

thats what glen close wants us to think

Piece of Toast deserved that role he worked harder for it and his impression was on point

Worst additian to Jeff Smiths. Bone comic

It isn't? Howcome vie never had to pay for it?

should have considered just eating people you know farm to the table like

He got some Hepatitis Free