pierre clementi

Having been lucky to travel abroad extensively for work, I always wince when 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation white Americans tell our European hosts that they are also German, or Irish or Italian, or French, or wherever the hell their ancestors immigrated from a century ago. Europeans always give them a puzzled and

"Charles Woodson, ladies and gentleman, [camera turns to Charles Woodson sitting in the audience, the audience applauds], Charles just became the first defensive player to win the Heisman trophy, and no one can ever take that away from you…well, unless you kill your wife and a waiter…"

The Polanski film was based on a French play about 2 couples whose young sons got in a fight at a playground. This is about parents whose teenage sons committed a crime together, their parents know they did it, but the police haven't identified them yet, and they are discussing what they are going to do about it.

I love Obama, wish he was still in office, but considering that Chicago is his adopted hometown, I never could understand why he really didn't do much for the city during his 8 years while the entire west side was up in flames. Well, other than inviting the '85 Bears to the White House.

They all suck, then again Rahm Emanuel is doing a bang up job in Chicago.

Because blue is the warmest color

I heard it was more like "Salo: 120 Days of Sodom."

Fyre Festival or the Overlook?

If it's anything like what's Behind The Green Door, I'm in!

Or where the world first saw Virginia Madsen's amazing bare breasts.

That, and the Martin Short/Harry Shearer men's synchronized swimming sketch are my two favorite SNL skits ever.

Sure hope this is better than "Batman vs The Know-Nothings".

Checks in the mail!

My hemmorhoids are elite

So I'm a little confused by the article, can I buy tickets for next year now or not?

I always cringed when I heard that, knowing no Scotsman has ever uttered the word "soccer".

And Richard Crenna going all in as a Dean Wormer/Judge Smails type villain.

The thing I didn't buy was that a prominent attorney who was fired because he had AIDS couldn't find anyone to represent him so he had to hire Denzel Washington's character. Even though it was 1993 thousands of prominent and activists attorneys would have knocked down his door to represent him. Additionally AIDS, ACLU

His performance in The Remains of the Day is one of the finest performances of the past 30 years. Absolutely perfect.

Even though I was in high school in the late 80's and early 90's I always thought "Election" was the most accurate portrayal of high school.