pierre clementi

If anything this article reminded me of how great the "Dronez" episode of "Documentary Now" was.

I agree, I didn't know that was allowed. Sort of made the whole thing anticlimactic

ET wasn't an immigrant, he was just visiting, got ditched by his buddies and was left stranded before he was picked up again. Like my dickhead cousin from Detroit who got ditched by his friends after he passed out in a strip club in Windsor, Ontario.

That was my first thought after reading the list-where the hell is Scarface?

I still find it hard that they are related. Rick comes off as such a cerebral, amicable guy and Skip may be the biggest douche in the world.

It's been a while since I've seen it but I think you're right, it was a pug

I liked how he was fighting Harkonnens while holding a chihuahua

Hey, Bryan Singer kept the John Williams score for his Superman movie. (I know I know, look how that turned out, I know). And yes I'm aware that John Williams is vastly better than Toto. Still, it's a really good score.

Quick name change from Vladimir Harkonnen to Putin and it will get greenlit

Please keep the Toto score!

Sounds pretty funny to me. I'd see it

I think that's part of the reason why it's a comedy. Sounds like it's going way over the top be un PC.

But you have to pay extra for that

I've never had one, and they do sound delicious, however cracking open an oyster in the morning when you have a massive hangover doesn't seem like much fun. And how often do you have oysters in your fridge anyway?

Star Wars: A New Hope Solo

This is the AV Club, if he hasn't already heard of it he's seen the Simpsons where they parodied it

He has to hit those high notes somehow

If you are a big David Bowie and Jimmy Page fan such as myself, do yourself a favor and do NOT google "Lori Maddox".

I think you need to add Robert Klein's "The Colonoscopy Song" for people like myself that are over 40.

If Jorma Taccone, Martin Shkreli and Macon Blair all stood next each other, I don't think I could tell them apart, except Shkreli probably has a pair of horns on his head.