pierre clementi

Simon Leis who thankfully is gone now. They actually got a bad rap for that. Most contemporary art museums in the country would not show the exhibit. And have you actually seen some of the pictures in the exhibit? If some of them were on your computer right now you'd probably be arrested, no matter what part of the

It's actually not chili. It's a Greek stew that immigrants from Macedonia brought to Cincinnati (every Cincy chili place was started by a Greek or a Lebanese or Albanian). They called it chili to make it sound more American

Ever go to Jungle Jim's? They have a decent selection over there.

I agree. Northern Kentucky is more northern than southern. Very German and very Catholic, and Newport actually has very significant Italian population

I actually like Cincy chili, goetta, Greaters ( although I prefer Aglamesis) but yeah, La Rosa's is not good.

Yeah, Detroit is doing great.

Camp Washington.

How is that possible? It's in every Kroger and every diner. There is a goetta festival every year and every Oktoberfest their are dozens of booths that sell it everywhere. What part of Cincy did you grow up in?

I was always surprised Philip Roth never wrote a novel about a Madoff type figure. Would seem it would be right up his alley.

I feel like he is attached to every upcoming project lately then drops out.

I always got emails from them about their sales and every item on sale was XS in on color.

Like the article suggested, I to, used to shoplift at American Apparel, but ever since I've had this hipster Javert-like police inspector hounding me day and and night. Not worth it…

Well, the original members of The Cure met at Catholic school, so that's something…

Depends, are we talking Asian or African elephants?

And yet here you are

Might be my favorite Onion headline of all time:

Isn't pretty much every current comedy routine Anti Trump anyway?

Jack Chick was amazing?

Oddly enough that was Derrick Rose's excuse to the Knicks the other night.

I think Gavin Rossdale is still touring.