
LeBron was actually reading Hunger Games pre game during the 2012 NBA finals.

Yes that was Tony Kornheiser in the bar.

If you want proof of this is another industry look it what ESPN did to Chad Ford. SPOILER ALERT absolutely nothing.

I love Jennifer Lawrence but, isn't that true for almost every movie star?

It was the one show I would watch with my parents.

Was I the only one expecting Mo'ne Davis to pop up in this commercial?

The problem making a scripted show about sports is that the target demographic is probably already watching sports when the show is being aired.

Cold Pizza was arguably the worst idea in the era of really bad ideas from ESPN. They only thing arguably worse was their idea of giving Jay Mohr his own show on ESPN.

Silly film but, in terms of the football scenes in that movie only Any Given Sunday has done it better. Plus is one of the few times there was a decent Offensive Lineman character in a movie.

For a while I thought their could be a decent Friday Night Lights type show about a powerful AAU program or a high school basketball factory like St. Benedict, Oak Hill, Monteverde or Findlay Prep. But, the issue is you would need to find a bunch of freakish tall people who could also act for it to not look

The NCAA is horrible but, the NFL colludes with them by having the rule that the player has to wait three years after high school before entering the NFL.

Plus a lot of them come from low income areas of the country and used the money they made to uplift the type of communities they grew up in him(Marshawn Lynch's foundation is one example).

Plus they are expected to play at least 4 years for free before joining the NFL.

I generally agree with your sentiment but, I disagree that the NFL has a socialist model. It is a system built so the rich have little financial risk as possible. Basically the type of corporate welfare that dominates this country.

Athletes and actors are not the ones who caused the income inequality in this country.

I was just saying that generally Campbell's chunky soups smell horrible.

Yep using that same condescending rhetoric he uses you can say "why do actors make so much for pretending to be someone else" etc etc.

And basically all the major sports in this country were invented to give college aged men a physical activity to do. Plus in that scenario who is more pathetic the adults who get paid play a kids game or the adults who get paid to cover adults playing a kids game.

And they smell bad.

While that is true in the NFL I do not think that is the case in other sports. There is a lot of interesting write I read from beat writers in the NBA. I do not follow the MLB and the NHL much but, maybe that is the case in those sports as well.