@Ajax Plus I think Manny was a soccer player in previous episodes so it would make sense he was one of the kickers.
@Ajax Plus I think Manny was a soccer player in previous episodes so it would make sense he was one of the kickers.
I have yet to see the documentary but, I am New Yorker and a follower of the local basketball scene. Lenny Cooke was a player who was old for his class and often dominated by just overpowering opponents. He was a 6'5 player who lacked perimeter skills. I think if he played in college he would have had a similar career…
And Coach hitting on CeCe shows the trouble he has has talking to women which was a character trait he had in the pilot.
"I ain't a quitter Ironside"
Best movie to come out since There Will be Blood in 2007.
Seems like it has been a tough time for Roz since Frasier moved his radio show to San Francisco.
Gary Bettman is actually the most famous person to graduate from my high school.
He seems to have a wood working business(him winning the award, selling flutes to the men who think the apocalypse is coming) and that music career. Plus like have some mentioned he collects gold and probably lives cheaply.
But, she looked absolutely amazing considering she is 59 years old.
To use a more serious cop show. He is sort of like Dutch
JayZ is my favorite rapper ever but that cake word play was his worst thing ever.
A solid effort. This has a more consistent sound than Take Care but, lacks the stand out tracks of that album. Too Much and Hold on We are Going Home are the best tracks on this album. 40 really kills it with the production.
I did not realize that Paige was a DEA agent until this episode. She seemed to be always helping the FBI on stings so I assumed she was FBI too.
I actually thought Mike and Fi wee dead for a second. Overall I was satisfied with this season and this finale.Also how did Mike and Fi get Charlie?
A song that I completely forgot about until seeing the headline for this article. Than I remembered all the words to the song once I saw the name of it. I didn't realize the song was about boners when it came out. But, I was 7 years old when this song came out.
Because Jesse is almost as much of an asshole as Walt. He has been complicit in many of the crimes Walt committed and has no reason to be appalled by the behavior of Walt. And Walt was correct Jesse is a coward for being a snitch. If he really feels guilty for the crimes they have committed Jesse should just turn…
He has made himself to valuable to kill at this point.
What exactly is Jesse's plan here? If it involves Walt's kids in anyway remember he is crashing at Walt's in laws place. While Hank wants to put Walt under the jail Hank and Marie still love Walt's children and Hank would react pretty hostile to anyone who puts them in any sort of danger.
It ridiculous for Jesse to say since he has been complicit in the majority of the crimes that Walt has committed.
Good point with the exception of poisoning Brock and killing MIke(and Walt won't admit to those things and Jesse does not know about Jane) all of the bad deeds Walt has done has been with either Jesse's approval or Jesse's help.