I liked this episode. There was some tension that has been lacking these last few seasons.
I liked this episode. There was some tension that has been lacking these last few seasons.
There is probably more live soccer on television here in the US than there is in Europe. So it isn't crazy for him to try and get a job commentating here(plus if Warren Barton can do it anyone can).
There is probably more live soccer on television here in the US than there is in Europe. So it isn't crazy for him to try and get a job commentating here(plus if Warren Barton can do it anyone can).
Yeah we are in a strange place in Hollywood where actors who should be starring in romantic comedies are starring in action movies and actors who should be starring in action movies are starring in romantic comedies.
Yeah we are in a strange place in Hollywood where actors who should be starring in romantic comedies are starring in action movies and actors who should be starring in action movies are starring in romantic comedies.
When you really look at her career you have to come to the conclusion that she was only effective when Tarantino was directing her.
When you really look at her career you have to come to the conclusion that she was only effective when Tarantino was directing her.
She is on my A-list.
She is on my A-list.
Atleast in this movie Gerard Butler is able to talk in his natural Scottish accent. Since his American accent is pretty terrible.
Atleast in this movie Gerard Butler is able to talk in his natural Scottish accent. Since his American accent is pretty terrible.
Great result yesterday. I am happy to see them into the next round.
Great result yesterday. I am happy to see them into the next round.
So in this episode we saw someone thrown someone else in a trunk, a character stored someone in a box and yet in both cases it was the admirable thing to do.
So in this episode we saw someone thrown someone else in a trunk, a character stored someone in a box and yet in both cases it was the admirable thing to do.
I didn't really like this episode but, Hope calling Sabrina mommy was one of the sweetest things I saw on television this year.
I didn't really like this episode but, Hope calling Sabrina mommy was one of the sweetest things I saw on television this year.
Robin felt like a completely different character this episode.
Robin felt like a completely different character this episode.
Yeah it is weird that Jesse doesn't have any roots down in Miami. You would think that Sinead O'Handsome would have a girlfriend or something that he wouldn't want to leave.