
Two documentaries that are like horror movies are "Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr" and "Just Melvin, Just Evil." They are seriously warped and scary. Has anyone else seen them? Mr. Death is about a guy who somehow becomes proficient at fixing electric chairs and them people look to him to be an

She should have been playing Candy Crush, not Solitaire! Maybe she had been playing Candy Crush, but ran out of lives and was waiting for her friends to give her more.

Yes, I agree that Tar is not pregnant. It's a form of protection. Once she turns on Jax, no one will harm her as long as they think she's carrying Jax's child. But once they find out the test was faked…

I came back just to like your post now that liking is turned back on :)

Because, as Mr. Burns once said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

I remember hearing somewhere that Charming is representing Hemet, California. Incidentally, that's where my mom grew up!

I think it actually shows the consequences of running guns. Sure, it doesn't matter if it's all bad guys that get shot up, but what if your business impacts innocent children?

I know all about Cass Ole. As a horse-crazy girl I read all the horse magazines that had articles about both Cass Ole and Kelly Reno. I even wrote to Walter Farley and said that if they ever make a movie of the book "The Black Stallion and the Girl" that I should play the girl. I am in awe of the fact that you met

I own horses, and as a rule if someone would ever threaten me around them, I would do what they say for fear of a Godfather moment happening in my bed! I also saw this happening from a mile away.

I cried, because it never occurred to me that the writers would kill her. It's the first time I wanted to say, "F—- you, The Killing."  F—- you for making me care. I am completely blown away by the acting this season.

When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die. (Cersei)

I think it was to prevent his finger prints from getting on it.

A lot of beer is clarified with the bones of cows, so I would guess that's how Hannibal used victim's bones.

Classic Poe!

Did anyone else notice that the patient stalking him looks like the head from the jar found in the storage garage in Silence of the Lambs? Of course, in SOTL, Lector said he found it that way in Buffalo Bill's stuff.

Forgot to mention that will certain foods, you might pair a rose with it instead of a white or red wine.

Rose (roh-ZAY) wines have become very popular, and there are some very nice (expensive) ones out there. I believe it was a rose (don't know where to find an e with an accent mark on it).

And remember…anything you take care of, you ending up loving…

I'm friends with women much smarter than Martha that have fallen for much deeper bullshit!