
But does that mean 3 tribal councils before the final tribal next week? Doesn't the 2 hour final episode usually start with the final 5?

I thought the "We joined the circle" comment could be referring to Victor's drawing towards the middle of the screencap above. It looks like it could be a circle of people simultaneously shooting their neighbor in the head. Simon saw his father click the empty gun at his mother's head just before they said this.

I've got that Batman and Robin Society "Charter Member" button that's in the drawing up top.
Did I mention that I'm pretty old?


And I always though the line was "Beck Hansen" and not "Beck, Hanson".

Well sure, when you take the line out of context it seems offensive. The point being made is not that they are female comedians (which is somewhat obvious) but rather that as females Lindhome and Leggero may get more leeway to joke about rape and incest than they might if they were male. Even though is isn't an

He drinks bourbon, a lot of bourbon, in the books. I'd say he drinks more, in general, in the books.

Doofenshmirtz Holding A Bucket!

I bought the special edition of 'Ball Hog or Tugboat' when it first came out. It was a gatefold cardboard case 12" high (like an LP) but only as deep as a CD case. I think it came with a poster and I remember a San Pedro translation chart.

I was thinking that it would be just behind 'Teenager of the Year' as my favorite of that year but I now see that TotY came out in '94. I think of those two records together because my officemate at the time and I would spin them a lot at work. There were obviously others but those two really stick out.

In which J. Mascis *almost* outdoes Eddie Hazel.

Not that Mean Mr. Mustard is a great song, or even a good one, but how does it make this list ahead of Mr. Moonlight? I think Mr. Moonlight is among the worst things the fabs committed to tape. That organ solo. WTF?

Everybody thought the land was useless and almost nobody got rich off of it. Disney bought up the land in small parcels for peanuts using a bunch of different small companies created just for the process. No one figured out what was going on until he had accumulated the enormous property they have today.

"According to the experts, mankind’s future among the stars may never
come to pass because of a very sexy problem: weightless boobs."

"Cassette Culture"??? Oh that MUST be "UNironic"

[silly rant]
But they sure didn't have beer or liquor.

Speaking of coffee… I love in Pulp Fiction when after Jimmie and Jules have the discussion about the "Serious Gourmet Shit", the Wolf has a cup after he gets there and gives us an excellent version of the "bite & smile".

You mean GRRM mentioned something that occurred in a book he published 14 YEARS EARLIER and sold millions of copies?

In addition to Phil Collins?

Have you seen SpiceWorld? Based on your comments I'm not even certain you've seen AHDN. I've never heard anybody say they couldn't understand the thick accents and the word "grandfather" appears often enough I don't know how you could arrive at the idea that Wilfred Brambell is playing Paul's uncle.