
I had that book but I wasn't a kid.

Yes, it's good to have a narrow definition of styles.  So "punk" is the Sex Pistols and the Ramones and the first Clash record and the Buzzcocks.  No, the Buzzcocks are too poppy.  X?  No harmonies allowed in punk.  Maybe the Dictators?  Big Black?  Too industrial…

Well, I know what still passes as something close to punk in 2013, or at least what still has the punk spirit (and Titus Andronicus certainly has it in spades).

Did punk die?  3 nights after I saw Sigur Ros I saw Superchunk and they were kind of punky.  Two nights later would have been Titus Andronicus who are decidedly punky (but I skipped because they added a needless 3rd band to the bill, I was tired and I've seen them four times).

It's great to see so many Teenager… fans here.  What a great record and it holds up so well.

They will all be played by Tatiana Maslany in various wigs.

What do you predict the outcome will be if you stop watching?

Sadly Spader has no mustache to twirl, Snidely Whiplash-style.

Prince Rogers Nelson, Madonna Ciccone.  Surely the FBI has files on them.

The Aviation cocktail was much too dark a shade of blue.