
I might go Good Deeds.  It may not be as offensive as temptation, but the abuse scene and the contrivances are pretty hysterical.

I suppose then the question is then how branch that divide?  I think from what you describe dialogue is altogether impossible.  Critics are unwilling to engage Perry fans, Perry fans don't care about critics.  At best this suggests the high-low culture divide isn't as permeable as modern criticism suggests.  Also for

Someone needs to let this experiment happen.  Because you sir have piqued my interest into how they'd be banned.

Or Owen Glierberman is a hack.

Yeah……..no.  Maybe financially limited but is certainly technically and artistically adept.  I mean even the no-budge Red Hook summer had some impressive directing.

He also sexually harasses maybe every female character in the film

Also it has a line to the effect of men and women being equal once their genitals are blown into the stratosphere.

"One family in an inter-stellar adventure that changes everyone for the better."

Not really making a judgement on it.  For some reason though I thought it was a massive bomb.

Weirdly enough apparently "We Bought a Zoo" did ok enough for studios to not flay him alive.

Being from St. Louis I am glad I have the word "hoosier" to describe these sorts of people with impunity.

I accept that's true, but I have to imagine more Chinese people would prefer Django to 1911.

Well its their fault for not showing Malcolm X.

Ok that's genuinely interesting to know. 

I mean I get different languages of film, but I can't imagine how one could really prefer to watch the deluge of turgid historical pieces that seems to make up most of Mainland Chinese film.

Do glaciers melt down once the full weight of their shit urban planning/one-child policy catches up with them?

I think that is actually hard to say when it comes to VOD.  On one hand real figures on VOD gross(especially internationally) are nearly impossible to get, but increasingly the medium is becoming a spring-board for a solid box office run.  Just look at what Magnolia did with some of its recent releases.  In short I

I genuinely can't imagine a Spike Lee Oldboy being unwatchable in any case.  At worst a bit of a letdown, at best anywhere from what the hell to genuinely amazing.

Curse of the Gold Digger?

Sondheim's "The Gun Song"?