
Way to take the buzz off my nerdgasm by reminding me of the bait-and-switch of The Phantom Menace trailer.

Probably Mutt Lange.

I want to forget that KJA was ever involved in anything Rush - I hate what he did with Clockwork Angels. I was so pissed off that I stopped reading so that it wouldn't taint a top five Rush album.

While i think we all know those were more something to keep busy with while Neil got over his horrible losses, do Victor and My Favorite Headache count?

It seems like this show really wants to be on cable with no rules.  I didn't get a chance to watch the whole thing, but in the bits I watched (I enjoyed) and CTV blurred out Christina Applegate's butt and bleeped a Will Arnett f-bomb.

Lyrically, that song was aimed at record execs, not fans.

Yeah, that was the first one I thought of too. Great song. I wonder what it's staying power will be. It certainly has already had some diverse covers, showed some new range for Adele and got her a ton of new crossover fans (I heard it on the alternative station and the secretary rock station on the same day, for

Related to a recent Set List
Here's a group of five:

imho too many spotty albums outside those five to be able to defend a stretch of five. Now just my opinion on what's defensible:

Yeah, I'll take the abuse
1976 - 2112
1977 - A Farewell To Kings
1978 - Hemispheres
1980 - Permanent Waves
1981 - Moving Pictures

Yay! All Time Fave
One of my all time favorite artists! I can actually hope that others on my list might get AVC-love, though realistically Matthew Sweet is the only one that I could see getting an in depth article. The others would be guilty pleasures.