Born Toulouse-Lautrec

The fact that it was "big" does not indicate that it was not crap.  Because it was crap.  A technological exercise with no soul.  It was like the Beatles on film.

Really, did we see the same movie?  This was horrible, just a couple of teenagers driving around for two hours, chugging beers and looking for some house where a party was supposed to be at.

Really, did we see the same movie?  This was horrible, just a couple of teenagers driving around for two hours, chugging beers and looking for some house where a party was supposed to be at.

I'm surprised he was able to publish his story before Dave Eggers got his paws on it.  Anyways, this would probably be an interesting read- and it's flaws might actually add to the story.

I'm surprised he was able to publish his story before Dave Eggers got his paws on it.  Anyways, this would probably be an interesting read- and it's flaws might actually add to the story.

Who's that in the photo?  Did Henry Rollins start seeing a new barber?

Who's that in the photo?  Did Henry Rollins start seeing a new barber?

I can't believe it hasn't been said yet.  Why is AVATAR missing from this list.

I can't believe it hasn't been said yet.  Why is AVATAR missing from this list.

You kind of beat me to this comment.  My first thought was Revolutionary Road should be on this list.  It's not a bad movie, but there's no real reason for it to exist.

You kind of beat me to this comment.  My first thought was Revolutionary Road should be on this list.  It's not a bad movie, but there's no real reason for it to exist.

rock and roll isn't rebellion.  It just makes people stupid, complacent, corporate tools.

rock and roll isn't rebellion.  It just makes people stupid, complacent, corporate tools.

I guess, you know, sn**k might be OK in your crappy little redneck town.  But once you move out of your parents basement and try to sniff around and see what else is out there in the world, you'll see sn**k for what it really is.  A corny term for cynical hipsters.  TMZ does sn**k better than AVclub and TMZ is shit.

I guess, you know, sn**k might be OK in your crappy little redneck town.  But once you move out of your parents basement and try to sniff around and see what else is out there in the world, you'll see sn**k for what it really is.  A corny term for cynical hipsters.  TMZ does sn**k better than AVclub and TMZ is shit.

Somehow for Fixda Fernback a murdered mother justifies sn**k yet I'm irrational?  I'm not religious, but in Revelations 3:17 I've read that sn**k is the forth sign of the apocalypse and now I kind of believe it.

Somehow for Fixda Fernback a murdered mother justifies sn**k yet I'm irrational?  I'm not religious, but in Revelations 3:17 I've read that sn**k is the forth sign of the apocalypse and now I kind of believe it.

Oh, then that's the problem.  Snark is dead.  It ended with the closing credits to Juno.  We should all move on.

Oh, then that's the problem.  Snark is dead.  It ended with the closing credits to Juno.  We should all move on.

No, what I think you mean is the end… Oh, that's what you said.