Born Toulouse-Lautrec

EH, wait a minute.  People get hung up on the fact that McCain is not Bush.  And Bush is bad.  But they quickly forget McCain is about as crazy, unreasonable, and dangerous as a crack-smoking rattle-snake.



"It's a well known fact that reality has a liberal bias."

"It's a well known fact that reality has a liberal bias."

4. Jeb Bush

100. Mitt Romney

4. Jeb Bush

100. Mitt Romney

Do you remember a long time ago, even before silent movies, when movies were printed on paper with no pictures, just a lot of words?  That's where I'm at.

Do you remember a long time ago, even before silent movies, when movies were printed on paper with no pictures, just a lot of words?  That's where I'm at.

Are you suggesting we send Ron Paul to Mars?  That works for me.

Are you suggesting we send Ron Paul to Mars?  That works for me.

Oh, good choice!

Oh, good choice!

When I hear Yo La Tengo's "Deeper Into Movies" I imagine people playing ping-pong on some barren landscape like the moon, or Mars.  So I would have chosen that one.

When I hear Yo La Tengo's "Deeper Into Movies" I imagine people playing ping-pong on some barren landscape like the moon, or Mars.  So I would have chosen that one.

Well that's just great.  We're teaching our children that there are substantial benefits to being a crackhead.  The message here it, "Light up, junior."

Well that's just great.  We're teaching our children that there are substantial benefits to being a crackhead.  The message here it, "Light up, junior."

You, sir, are talking to a fucking idiot.

You, sir, are talking to a fucking idiot.

"We’ll need 10 tons of crap to perform the simplest tasks" is my ideal existence.  I keep my iPhone plugged in to a full sized rotary dial.