Born Toulouse-Lautrec

Thanks, I have given up.  I said what I wanted to say and I am not on any kind of crusade.

Exactly.  And I assume you were home schooled in a cave by your illiterate grandmother?

Exactly.  And I assume you were home schooled in a cave by your illiterate grandmother?

Criticize his art.  That's fine.  That would be great.  Did you read the newswire?

Criticize his art.  That's fine.  That would be great.  Did you read the newswire?

In no way am I offended.  And I don't care about his feelings.  But I don't like the repetitive jokes criticizing people for trying.

In no way am I offended.  And I don't care about his feelings.  But I don't like the repetitive jokes criticizing people for trying.

I’ve only seen him in Howl and Pineapple Express- both of
which I liked.  I’ve never read a interview
with him and if he is extremely arrogant, then please disregard the below.

I’ve only seen him in Howl and Pineapple Express- both of
which I liked.  I’ve never read a interview
with him and if he is extremely arrogant, then please disregard the below.

That's a great picture.  What biological need was Ted taking care of when that was taken?

That's a great picture.  What biological need was Ted taking care of when that was taken?

Indeed.  Did this guy run over Maureen's cat or something?

Indeed.  Did this guy run over Maureen's cat or something?

Despite my previous comment, I do like the irony here.

Despite my previous comment, I do like the irony here.

I would like to counter the many dervisive comments below by stating

I would like to counter the many dervisive comments below by stating

Recommendation, please-

Recommendation, please-

What a huge, tragic loss.  It's a very rare quality that someone can balance sincere thoughtfullness and playful irreverence.  But I expect I will continue listening to the Beasties albums for a long time to come.  Right Right Now Now