The Ghost of Eazy E

So you're fine with her being a joke thief?

She's a joke thief like Carlos Mencia

They can also be quite funny, a trick she's never managed to pull off

Did Schumer pay Patrice ONeal's kid for stealing her dad's joke? Fucking scumbag like her uncle Chuck

Deer are tasty and stupid.

Better questions:
Why is goat so hard to find?
Why is duck so expensive?
What sort of savage doesn't like venison?

Elaine Chao has a turtle eat her on occasion

And so on

Me fail English? Thats unpossible!

Me fail English? Thats unpossible

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

Me fail English? That's unpossible.

Me fail English? That's unpossible

Me fail English? That's unpossible.

Does Trump secretly own Univision, cause that's the kind of cunning plan he'd implement?

And he's only gotten scarier since then

I'm gonna miss you, you filthy mouthed robot

Comment at work? I'd be in dutch with the boss if I did that, not that I could cause Disqus based comments are blocked as a matter of course.

So not The Tortellis?

I'm hoping it might be more of a Frasier