The Ghost of Eazy E

Picture Atlanta without what little charm it has

That's not a city.

Come to The PNW. You can be poor up here without the deadly heat

Odd thing to do

i think this sis somehow Metal Gear related

Stink like a fox!

Dallas also has Cowboys fans, Houston has UT fans.

Closet? She's a pale, pasty soulless monster.

Just get in the jeffries tube and reverse the polarity of the sensor arrays. That should work

Dallas is Houston, but whiter with worst taste and right wing as fuck.

Half of them seemed a bit worried by that wall coming down

I stand by Dallas as the worst city in America.

Young Republicans in Arizona are like 58 years-old, right?

The last time Germans were ecstatic, things didn't end too well for them

90% was crazy; if I pay 35% where I am than someone making 100x what I make can pay 50%

Fine, how about The Pontiac Grille?

Based on these numbers, black man are the highest paid group in the US.

When it comes to a vote though, every member gets 1 vote.

Fine. What genre does she hate? Would Stone get in her in the theater to see a genre she actively doesn't like?

How is it disingenuous? They did not make that money in that tax year, thus they did not lose anything. You can try and contort the truth all you want, but that money was never in their pocket, so they didn't lose it.