Not really. If I had my druthers, we'd erase them all from history, no matter the race or draft status.
Not really. If I had my druthers, we'd erase them all from history, no matter the race or draft status.
Well, they see him as a traitor because he realized he was morally wrong in joining The Confederacy
I spent 12 years there growing up and it is by far the most racist part of South Jersey
Grant, in 1866, regarded his former rival as falling short, saying that Lee was “setting an example of forced acquiescence so grudging and pernicious in its effects as to be hardly realized.”
If they are buried on battlefields. If they are buried somewhere else, nope.
There is no middle when one side argues that 27% of the American populace is subhuman from birth.
I'd call him/her quisling
It stops lionizing bigoted traitors.
He/she is advocating for Nazis in that faux gentle voice those types use
Michelle Obama was wrong. Young Malcolm X was right.
Fucking Salem County!
It was for like 5 years, right?
I thought the way you did for years until I did some serious digging.
That's not very Buddhist of you
Killed a metric fuckton of innocent people and gave Stalin a platform?
Nope. Lee was staunchly pro-slavery. You've been conned by the Lost Causers trying to redeem Lee.
Longstreet is one of the few who saw the error of his ways and reformed after the war
Just in case this motivates any of you:
I'm not often proud to be from NJ, but it's nice to see that we have no cemeteries or memorials to these scumbags