The Ghost of Eazy E

Yet it will if they adapt and find new skills. Notice that we no longer employ masses of coopers and cobblers and we seem to be much better off than we were when we did.

How did industrialization make the skills of a weaver more valuable by introducing the spinning jenny and such?

10 If "Boston" followed by "For a Long Time" or "More than a Felling," then "band."

It's like being proud you have a big dick

Not at all. It will make life better for everyone.

Are you sure you're white? From what I read in Martin Mull's book, you don't sound white

And that will be bad why? It will get rid of semi-skilled labor and lower costs, while making highways safer.

You did pioneer Sans-A-Belt slacks, the overuse of mayo, and musical theater…

How hard it is to write an algorithm to seek out terms associated with Nazis?

Fair play

What? The stuff tastes frozen.

Best place to play those sorts of things: Ocean City NJ. It was founded as a Baptist summer camp, so they have a law that no games of chance can exist, so every claw game is play until you win.

A fake mustache and a mustache comb

Last time I took my kids, and it will be the last cause we found a place that's local and better, I just asked the girl behind the counter how much more money it would take and she said every four tickets equals a quarter.

Eric Trump Announces Make American Pizza Great Again chain with animatronic mascot Ratbert E. Cheese.

In The Future, there will be robots

Why not make fresh pizza?

How about awarding tickets based on how well you play the game? If I crush skee ball, I still get the same four shitty tickets as my wiener kid does

Cheerfully amended

Head writer for SNL also works