Damn Kids...Get Off My Lawn

Fuck the wolves, and the Army shit. You have Chris Meloni and a whole underground Vampire government plotline to investigate. I'd watch that show. The werewolf and faerie show? Not so fucking much.

Fuck the wolves, and the Army shit. You have Chris Meloni and a whole underground Vampire government plotline to investigate. I'd watch that show. The werewolf and faerie show? Not so fucking much.

I do love that they call him "The Swede," even though he's from Norway, and that is bothers him a little (enough for him to have told Bohannon when they first met IIRC).

I do love that they call him "The Swede," even though he's from Norway, and that is bothers him a little (enough for him to have told Bohannon when they first met IIRC).

Aside from the whole asinine Indian Burial Site plot (and really? Come the fuck on), I still have no rightful idea why Jamie, Ames and Chief Munching Rug meet (apparently somewhat regulalrly) in the construction zone over the casino. What's wrong with, oh, I dunno…an office? Or whyt meet at all? And if you are going

Aside from the whole asinine Indian Burial Site plot (and really? Come the fuck on), I still have no rightful idea why Jamie, Ames and Chief Munching Rug meet (apparently somewhat regulalrly) in the construction zone over the casino. What's wrong with, oh, I dunno…an office? Or whyt meet at all? And if you are going

Fo reals, yo.

Fo reals, yo.

I personally DO use the word "cunt" lightly, and often.

I personally DO use the word "cunt" lightly, and often.

Sadly, I think Jenny McCarthy is actually proud of the No Vaccination thing.

Sadly, I think Jenny McCarthy is actually proud of the No Vaccination thing.

A: Great Name. Well played!
B: Tag the poster, like you would in a tweet: "at sign" and the name, which will come up in a picklist. Like this: @avclub-3e4d20980bad82814414cb12fecc0e18:disqus

A: Great Name. Well played!
B: Tag the poster, like you would in a tweet: "at sign" and the name, which will come up in a picklist. Like this: @avclub-3e4d20980bad82814414cb12fecc0e18:disqus

Agreed all over the place. 3D is a gimmick, but here it just worked—fantastically. And it's a fun movie. I hear a cowworker down the hall bitching about some of the story being unbelieveable. So sorry that the futuristic deep-space alien-discovery far-away-planet spirituality movie was unbelievable, guy.

Agreed all over the place. 3D is a gimmick, but here it just worked—fantastically. And it's a fun movie. I hear a cowworker down the hall bitching about some of the story being unbelieveable. So sorry that the futuristic deep-space alien-discovery far-away-planet spirituality movie was unbelievable, guy.

I just saw Prometheus in that theater on Saturday—IMAX 3D.

I just saw Prometheus in that theater on Saturday—IMAX 3D.

I hereby nominate @avclub-b1ef00d12df9bd49c8c9718c39df0771:disqus to replace the current writers of "The Killing." This is much more entertaining, and streets ahead as far as coherence.

I hereby nominate @avclub-b1ef00d12df9bd49c8c9718c39df0771:disqus to replace the current writers of "The Killing." This is much more entertaining, and streets ahead as far as coherence.