Damn Kids...Get Off My Lawn

I know the 2 characters I'd keep around.
Yes I am talking about Joan's boobs.

It's Tuesday. It's his turn to renew a great show.

Uh oh…now you've done it Broyles.

Whovian: Just hop in yer TARDIS and then you could have heard of him in the first place. And yes you should. Because Sam Cooke is the shit.

Fletch sez: Somebody's bucking for a promotion. It's probably that pederast Hanrahan.


Fuckin' Nazis….
…how do they work?

I thought much the same thing. Is Geordie hurting for cash? Does he need a new visor?

Nope. Written by Paul, sung by Peter.

Well, if you wanna get all "why" about shit, why did Peter need a mannequin arm to wrest the iPhone from his captor's pocket? He was out cold, and his arm was about 6 inches from the cell. And while we're at it, Peter did a fine job of pulling whats-his-ass into the bars to knock him out…but hanging on to the pistol


Nice work, but dissapointing that you did not address the question everyone is asking:

Man-Whore or no, if you are a straight fellow, chances are VERY good that eventuallyyou will end up as someone who "likes" old women.

Who wouldn't have GREATLY prefered Ilsa actually leaving for London (off-screen) and then a shot of the office where Ames reads a telegram "Ilsa Pucci's plane…was shot down over the Atlantic…it spun in…there were no survivors." And then Ames kills herself in grief, and the big dog from Season one reappears and