Private First Class Parts

mmmm chilli…

They can, but pigs always seem to fuck the wrong vagina.

If you need me I'll be sleeping in a submarine.

That's what he said…

You know who else said that? Hitl…    Goddammit!!!

Danger Zone!


My wife calls it "feeding the Sarlacc"

"…right, kill the younglings. Yippppeeee!"

One of my Sgts was dead ringer for the guy. It was right after the movie came out and he got the (rather enviable) nickname of 'Terminator'

Obnoxious Little Frog, that's what you always say!

Have you seen this boy?

I thought that was COPS

If you get lucky, you can use that poster to put off….going over the falls.

Well, I can't fucking unsee that, now can I?


Well, his balls did just drop.


That's what my wife has against David Cross. I make her suffer through it though. Kinda like sex.

Nothing wrong with being a Private, goddammit!