Private First Class Parts


Life's an eskimo pie, let's take a bite!

The one with the smug, self-congratulating smile.

So, what, should we throw them a bone?

The few West Virginians I've known identified more with the "stars & bars" end of the culturual spectrum.

Don't forget the crop!

I liked it, but the utter lack of logic being portrayed by people who were supposed to be really smart just rubbed me the wrong way. It could have been so much better had they written the charactors as intelligent human beings and not inevitable victims blindly doing whatever they can to die.

He was the original Roberto the Stabbing Robot

Alderman of Candyland, because of Megan's Law.

New and Improved! Now with fewer Jewish people!

I think the baby-boomer motto now is:
"You kids need to learn to sacrafice like our parents did"

Was it better than him doing a spoken-word version of a rap song?

Is it ok I read that as Porn Fair?

George Stephanopolis gets my vote.

These colors do run.

I lost my friends to a virgin's car.

That's the best point of entry for anyone largely unfamiliar with Talking Heads.

Not evern for fun? Nasty fun?

I just watched that movie [Marquis de Sade: Justine] last week. Jack Palance was awesome!

knowing his work, probably.