We want our film to be beautif

Do they have a castle at Windsor?
No, they have a display case at the end of the aisle.


Goes down to easy?
What? So, you're saying that you enjoyed the record a little too easily? I don't see how this is a criticism. Even using it as such comes off as pretentious.

Just picked it up and the vinyl is orange.

Constance, I wrote this song for us, for what we've been, through fighting the good fight
We're special, you and I
Blonde our hair and blue our eyes
The world it should should be ours
but they just want money! It's a conspiracy!
Yeah they bring you a star, put you on the midnight train
Goin very far
Line you up, give you a

the ultimate would be if this entire "exhibit" did not actually exist and the press release it was written on is the actual art.

Best part of Jingle All the Way? "Where's your mother?" "She's outside pettin' Ted"

Jingle All the Way
Where's Turbo Man?

Mark Paul-Gosselar is only half white?!

Love the caption that goes with the picture up top

I''m wondering too

Franklin and Bash
Sounds like a hilariously mismatched professional wrestling tag team.

No one makes an album cover like Herb Albert.

Will the movie figure in the new anti-immigrant/anti-tourist stand the Netherlands government has adopted? No more weed for tourists

Talkin it up
I'm a big hater of SNL (yet I still find myself watching nearly every week), but I actually enjoyed last night. I really liked that they used Gaga in a few sketches, and Timberlake did a decent job. I also felt this was the first time all season SNL played to the strength of their host.

Watched the last 20 minutes on Wednesday
All these people are terrible. The country guy sounds like he's trying to channel Slim Whitman, the country girl is booooooring, and the raspy voiced girl forgot half the words of the one song I saw (You Oughtta Know). This show needs to be cancelled.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Poppie knows he has a leaking problem, and doesn't really care he's about to debase Jerry's couch-payback.

Poppie's Perfect Pee
I've always thought it wasn't so much of a full urination and more of a leak; probably from a prostate problem. When he relaxes, he leaks.

I spend most of my time onilne secure tunneling.