
I think the scene with the lawyer was meant to show she was being sharp and intuitive. I'm glad you brought up the scene with the psychiatrist because it contains so many multitudes. Frustrated Carrie, (faux?) remorseful Carrie, trying-hard-to-be-nice-and-not-lose-her-shit Carrie, etc.

To figure out the best way to use him? He might be worth more than the $10 million the US has him at…

I think Todd is right that I respect this more than I like it. I think just seeing where these characters are is really upsetting. That idyllic weekend at the cabin seems so, soooo long ago, doesn't it?

The entire first season was like a puzzle of insanity. Claire Danes' performances in "The Vest" and "Marine One" are astonishing.

His wife's spiral in S1 of Homeland (or even the most recent episode) was also pretty harrowing. They both deserve heaps of praise.

She was not officially employed by the CIA - she was a consultant. I agree with @avclub-27c4f74efceea9a2e842815436828e8f:disqus that, as things are now, I can't see a way she ever interacts with the CIA again, but I imagine things will change on that front before the season is over. I actually don't have much idea

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus But the CIA was attacked by Muslims. I'm not saying that all Muslims are terrorists, or that all terrorists are Muslims. I don't think this show is either. I thought Saul's comment was the type of jab this show often makes against people's prejudices. They did the same

I don't know which I want more.  Just give them both Emmys as far as I'm concerned.

I believe Abu Nazir's group was called the Islamic People's Liberation Army.

But they changed that to "In Memoriam." Gansa admitted in his Walk Through from S1 that he wanted the episode with the Saudi diplomat to be titled "Yummy Yummy Yummy." Now THAT would have been the best episode title. As it is I'm struggling to understand how this episode applies. Was it the noises Carrie made when

I'm just amazed by how frequently and powerfully she *goes there.* Everything is in this jarring and uncomfortable relief, and it's one of the most realistic portrayals of a human being (forget someone suffering from bipolar disorder) I can recall. Bravo.

Only if you think this show depends on her being employed by the CIA. (She wasn't last season.)

Claire fucking Danes. Give her every Emmy. I don't care about Dana's sex life but everything else was great.

In the season premiere she says she was reinstated after a break in her employment. I am a *huge* Carrie Mathison defender, but how even??

MSCL is an unsatisfying series finale because it wasn't meant to be a series finale. Still sad about that but one of the best one-and-done shows ever.

"Well if caring about something other than money is dopey, I'm a fuckin' moron."
Amy Jellicoe OUT.

The OC had a really satisfying finale and a really satisfying final season. 

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Carrie was fired at the end of S1 and brought back in S2 as a type of consultant. She is still wearing "visitor" badges whenever she's at Langley in S2. Saul was going to bring her back into the agency to be a station chief at the end of S2 after Nazir was killed. She

@avclub-f9dc05d837e383875de21473aef1b0e9:disqus One of HBO's documentaries this summer was called "Manhunt" and it was about the group of people who worked both pre- and post-9/11 to track down bin Laden. Kind of like the real-life ZDT. Anyway, a lot of the analysts who worked to find him (and other higher ups in

Absolutely. You really get the sense that this is not a fair fight *at all.* Tracy Letts' character was practically drooling when Saul admitted she had concealed her bipolar disorder — now, finally, a real and true scapegoat, a scandal, just what they want! "Oh, what else did she conceal from you?" he goads.