
This is awkward.

Sorry if I wasn't clear - I absolutely love that scene in Partings. It rips my heart to shreds but in a good way. Part of that is because I was far more emotionally invested in Luke and Lorelai's relationship than in Rory and Dean's, but part of it is also because Lauren Graham is a tremendous actress who can make

I liked Logan the best out of all of Rory's boyfriends (at the time she was dating them, that is), but that's still faint praise. I liked that she and Logan were intellectual equals and the conflict that his privilege and moneyed background produced was very interesting, especially given Lorelai's distaste for it.

It's an awful line, very Un-Gilmore-esque, I think. (Then again, Lorelai says something similar to Luke in Partings — "I *love* you, Luke, I *love* you" — and I feel like my heart's been ripped to shreds.)

Yeah, I was going to add that the grandparents' preoccupation with Rory's virginity was weirder - they ask their reverend to come over and IIRC there's a very strange conversation about a "mother ship" leaving port or something equally absurd. 

I never found it creepy, and I don't think they had a Big Plan, just for Rory to tell her mother when it happened. And it seemed more like Rory was the one who brought it up (especially in later seasons with Jess).

YES! I notice that more and more as my re-watch count grows higher. It's the misuse of "this week" versus "next week" or something similar. Then again, there are worse problems and most of the time I can fanwank it, but it still bugs. 

The entire Dean/Rory relationship felt like that to me, and it's never more apparent than in (SPOILER) the S1 finale when she utters that nausea-inducing line "Because  I love you, you idiot!" That really activates my gag reflex.

Worrying about continuity in Gilmore Girls is a fool's game.

"Stop saying *mother* like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like there should be another word after it."

I would respect Matt Weiner so much more if he never gave any interviews instead being a weasel in every one he does. "Surprising things will happen to your favorite characters this season!"

"The Ghost Is Seen" was one of the most moving things I've ever seen. "Why didn't I try?" Ugh… it ripped my heart to shreds.

I loved his explanation about the flowers from "Sandy" and "A Ghost Is Seen." This walk-through has had some great questions, and the insight and depth Mike White provided has been a treat. Thank you.

Their moderation can be kind of scary sometimes, but mostly I feel it's a good thing. I think the most enlightening, if harshest, dialogues on TV happen over there.

That's what I say whenever I think about Peggy's early seasons hair.

If it was between Girls and Enlightened, I'd choose Enlightened.

"The Ghost is Seen" got me, too. What a wonderful episode. It was perfect. I love Tyler.

This show is a treasure, and I'm so sad it's been cancelled but I'm also excited about this commentary from Mike White. Thank you.

I see so very little appeal in his character and the actor is so limited. I actually think all of Olivia's minions are kind of annoying and grating. The greatest weakness of this show continues to be the lack of depth given to Olivia and her "associates." We know the 5-second recap (Abby used to be abused, Huck was a

Yeah, I just can't with Fitz. He is the most incompetent President I've ever seen on a TV show that we're supposed to like (we are supposed to like him, right?).