
Blog whore.  That sequence had me in stitches - very funny.

Blog whore.  That sequence had me in stitches - very funny.

I spent a good part of the early 90s fantasizing about Ann Magnuson.  I was so into Bongwater - I still remember her foray at the Me-tro-pol-i-tan Mu-se-um of Art (don't forget that hard 't' sound). But haven't listened to these guys for years.

I spent a good part of the early 90s fantasizing about Ann Magnuson.  I was so into Bongwater - I still remember her foray at the Me-tro-pol-i-tan Mu-se-um of Art (don't forget that hard 't' sound). But haven't listened to these guys for years.

Yeah, I was just joking about Gilligan reading comments - it's just that BB is so consistently good at subverting expectations, you never know how things will go down.

Yeah, I was just joking about Gilligan reading comments - it's just that BB is so consistently good at subverting expectations, you never know how things will go down.

Camera angle in Hank's office (if anyone is still reading)

Camera angle in Hank's office (if anyone is still reading)

maybe Walt should have offered Mike a beer as they sat on the river bank

maybe Walt should have offered Mike a beer as they sat on the river bank

One prediction before I crash: on Walt's 52d birthday, he's buying that massive weapon in preparation for war with Ricky Hitler/Meth Damon, who learned only too well how to make meth from the master, and who has out-sociopathed Walt.

One prediction before I crash: on Walt's 52d birthday, he's buying that massive weapon in preparation for war with Ricky Hitler/Meth Damon, who learned only too well how to make meth from the master, and who has out-sociopathed Walt.

I love this show like I've loved no other.  But I want to remark on something that really doesn't quite jive to me.

I love this show like I've loved no other.  But I want to remark on something that really doesn't quite jive to me.

Because Walt was the one who tipped Mike off that the DEA was after him.

Because Walt was the one who tipped Mike off that the DEA was after him.

The sweet thing for Walt is, he can say he delivered the 'go bag' to Mike, who got away & disappeared forever. No one knows any better, and Walt looks like the good guy! Great job Walt!

The sweet thing for Walt is, he can say he delivered the 'go bag' to Mike, who got away & disappeared forever. No one knows any better, and Walt looks like the good guy! Great job Walt!