
Anyone else unimpressed with the way the show handled the naming of the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch? In the books Jon is pretty torn about being made legitimate, and ruling Winterfell. Sam's politicking and scheming likewise is pretty fun to read in the books. Here it just happens in the course of a few


What about…. the Annie of it all?

What does the title mean?

Hate to nitpick, but Elroy is not the new IT guy, he's the new IT lady. It was interesting that Frankie's messages to the old IT lady (herself in a previous episode) came back in Aramaic…I thought they'd do more to reference her previous role.

What are you talking about? I'm not messed up! I'm doing great mommy!

Luke definitely had a stunt guy on the trampoline. Wikipedia says he can play banjo. Dude is mensa man. Also, i'm probably reading too much into this, but Luke and Phil's story was a bit Oedipal, and in the story when Oedipus finds out what has happened he gouges out his eyes…

Also, it's going to take some work to stop seeing Keith David as Big Tim for Requiem for a Dream

I enjoy the reviews and the forum, but please get some one to look over this - it's riddled with grammatical errors/typos.

I'll give it a B for having the balls/creativity to make a pedialyte joke.

Don't a lot of Iranians, or at least a few (including the skeezy Americans that initially tried turning Carrie this season) know that Brody wasn't the actual Langley bomber? And if so, wouldn't that basically blow Brody's cover?

So how do you think the episode would have gone if the scientists had chosen someone else from the gang as their subject?

Douche Ted Moseby would like to point out that it's palate cleanser, not palette. But don't worry, Ted held back when Barney said logarithm instead of algorithm

actually in general, psychiatrists are never supposed to have sexual relationships with their patients ever. This document from the American Psychiatric Association especially condemns "psychiatrists who terminate treatment in order to engage in sexual misconduct" - in the section called Scope of Sanctioned Behaviour:

The last surrogate son Nucky had is now betraying him, and Nucky has an inkling. So you can maybe understand his lack of enthusiasm with Margaret's kid.