Trashcan Man

The fact that the Beatles are not always your favorite, yet you still recognize the undeniable fact of what you just said- and will go out of your way to state it- makes you OK with me. It bothers me to no end that people don't have any understanding at all of historical context. They trash the artists that laid the

Oh my God, Heather, bulimia is so '87.

I think Demon Days was one of the best albums of the 00's. I also think the Beatles are the greatest rock band there ever was, and that the White Album- while probably being their 4th or 5th best album- is a classic album with several fantastic, timeless songs.

I'm from Colorado, and I heard that same joke years ago- but with a Navy midshipman from Denver, and a punchline involving the Broncos.

@Henry Silva- Brilliant!
And, uh, I'm going with Bullshit this time.

That is all. What else could possibly be necessary?!?

I'd like to take this opportunity…
To share with you the joy of my newfound life as a Mercurist. For while it is true we should not deify our rock gods, you can find the exception in the loving, truthful gospel of our Lord and Savior, Freddie Mercury. He is my best friend… and he can be yours, too.

Fuck you, Jesus! Where's my 20 bucks?!?

In my humble opinion, Collins bashers=Fucktards. No, sorry, I don't have to justify it, because it's my humble opinion.

Wow, I gotta agree with you again, t77. Ridiculous and asinine.

Thoreauly, you're not alone out here… I agree completely. Why the fuck is everyone talking about Va- no. No, no, no. I will not participate by even saying the name.

Bruin, I think DD will always hold up for me. I've seen it several times, and I will see it again. Just my humble opinion, I think it's a masterpiece, Drew Barrymore notwithstanding. Hell, without her as producer the movie doesn't get made, so… bad with the good.

I have read as well. Interesting book, and gave me a lot of personal insight into someone I admire very much musically.

@jorge- Yes and yes.

Can. Not. Believe.
Yes, yes, there will always be somebody saying, "Why the hell wasn't MY favorite movie on the list?!? It invalidates the entire list! Fuck, the entire CONCEPT of lists!"

That would be a neat trick, and I would like to see it.

Oooooh! Lamaze! I forgot you spent four weeks sitting on a floor learning how to breathe. I had to get by on a degree from Harvard medical school!

Fuck albino cultists. Retarded pyromaniacs are way cooler.

No, it's fine, you just shouldn't bake your drinks.

I've really gotta disagree, strenuously, about Kubrick's Shining… but fuck getting into THAT discussion.