Sad Vader

Inconsistent stories
Here's the problem I had with the ultimate twist on the "My Dinner with Andre" conceit: Abed says it's his way of pointing out that Jeff has stopped seeking his company as much as he used to. But didn't we JUST find out last week that Troy and Abed are the ones who have stopped hanging with Jeff

Best chase ever.
I don't begrudge you any of your grievances on this episode, but given the wonderful fun we got to have with Art—who never gets a front-and-center episode—made the whole thing an A package for me. It sucks they made a bad choice with Wynona's character, but hopefully it goes away after next week in

Soul Magnetism/Possessed Torv
Man, I'm usually on the same page you guys are with Fringe, but this review surprised me. I don't mind the soul magnet thing, though I get why it's hard to swallow. But Torv's "possessed voice", Nemoy impression or not, was laughable—it was ridiculous to listen to and I pray they don't

Last year I would have argued for Soutland, but I feel like this season has been REALLY sub-par. I was surprised there's only two episodes left, I feel like none of the stories have really been developed in any interesting way at all. Very, very disappointing.

Watcho, I don't know what show you're watching but Lindo is uniformly excellent in every role I've seen him in; he's particular good at playing business-savvy scuzzballs like Gibbons (see also Romeo Must Die, which you should probably see anyway because of how ridiculous/awesome it is).

Liam and Moose
Interesting points you make—I'm really glad you guys are covering this show. I think it's been really solid so far, and after Brotherhood was lost to us, I'm glad Jason Clarke has found a new solid role. Anyway:

Yeah, she's the worst; the show has made the same sort of joke with her ignorance before, but specific examples fail me at the moment…

You can certainly make that argument; I thought Pierce's cruelty to Neil a few weeks back with his endless taunting and personal attacks was much worse than this though. It is being dismissed fairly lightly thus far in the season though.

Cast another vote in favor of "Mixology"—yeah it was a bit dark, but it was also filled with some great lines and moments and played cleverly with an actual college experience for a change—taking the youngest member of the group of friends out for his 21st (I know Annie is younger, but you get the point).

Ha—thanks for posting that entire conversation. That scene was phenomenal; I rewatched it twice. The first time through I missed half the jokes laughing at the first couple lines. It's great that Britta wants to be an activist but doesn't even know basic knowledge of world affairs.

Dogstyle, that was my buddy's thought as well—maybe I was seeing things with the hole in the forehead, but I swear there was one. The scene cut really quickly to and from the impact shot.

Pierce's Cruelty
I'm glad to see you bring up the fact that Pierce's viciousness has been escalating for a while now and seemed to reach a crescendo with tonight's ridiculous stunt (I love the episode, I'm not knocking the storyline here). I hope they have something bigger in store to restore his value as a character

Not that this show does everything according to formula, but the scene certainly read like the beginnings of a relationship emerging from the ashes of the end of a bad one. It was the phoenix of southern-blood-feud-relationship-mending scenes. In other words, I think they'll end up fucking.

I didn't get the impression Gary was "in the know" about it—I think it was just a great moment of levity from the writers. he sounded completely genuine.

The Apricot
Good catch that tim was the actual shooter, but on a related note, I got the impression that the whole apricot story was just a distraction—didn't he say it's a space between the spine and the base of the skull? Because Tim puts a bullet right through the forehead, which to me had nothing to do with what

It was the guy who the police officer shot inside the police bar—that's why he said he takes care of his own messes.

Agreed—Goddamn Lonely Love is a gorgeous tune. I also love "Purgatory Line" from Brighter than Creation's Dark (I think that's the album). Haunting.

Billy Corgan's Smashed Pumpkin Dreams
I love that he's performing the opening themes to cop dramas now (and he didn't even write it).

I thought the villain "worked," but only in the sense of being a reminder of what Walter and Bell did in the past in the name of scientific advancement and personal glory. I think he also, potentially, symbolizes what they may have to be WILLING to do in order to save their respective realities—which is why it's

Earth 2: Not a great place to visit…
AND I wouldn't want to live there. You (and some of the commenters) make an interesting case for this episode. I personally don't like being absent from Earth 1 for entire episodes, so these always represent a slight disappointment for me. I also didn't think that the villain