Not Jackie Chan

Does Burn After Reading also get a B?


No Country For Old Men definitely had a conservative streak to it, but that's because of Cormac McCarthy's own politics.

You forgot the elderly woman in The Ladykillers

Barton Fink is anti-climactic? Did you forget the part where it's revealed that John Goodman's character is a serial killer who shoots a policeman and then burns the hotel down?

Oh, that's right.

…featuring the CEO of Dominio's Pizza. God, that was hilarious.

Oh yeah, there was some brief running gag that the two of them were rivals or something. I wonder how on earth that deal was arranged.

I didn't hate it, but certain elements didn't quite add up.
Take Finn, for example. Nothing about his attitude or character would be fitting for someone raised from birth to be a soulless killing machine (and if he was trained to be a killer, why is he working in a sewage plant?). If his change of heart had been more

The name of the Japanese school is just "magic place" crudely run through Google Translate.

I tried catching up on this show after a few years' absence (I was living overseas) so I was completely baffled to see the direction it's taken since I last left it in 2013. There have always been some bizarre and surreal elements to the show (one of its strengths) but now those moments aren't grounded in any sort of

This is it, right? There's no way band names are going to get any worse.

Ah, I guess you're right.

I agree that this was a pretty weak episode. But the film shoot with Grieco almost made up for it.

No love for The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra?

Didn't someone on here post something about this yesterday? How did they know?

Here's a fun game you can play at home!
Do a Google Image search for "(my name) + the Hedgehog" and see what kind of monstrosity pops up.

Possibly-stupid-question: What is about walkouts at film festivals? I've rarely ever heard of someone leaving a theater mid-viewing no matter how bad a movie is and yet it seems people at festivals seem to do it all the time.

There should be an option on the right-hand side to sort them alphabetically both A-Z and Z-A

Cedric once said that if they had made a follow-up record it would have sounded like Pipers At The Gates of Dawn, so take from what what you will.