Not Jackie Chan

My favorite part is the party bus

Ahh, pure concentrated snark! Just pump it directly into my veins!

Ahh, pure concentrated snark! Just pump it directly into my veins!

This book is ten times better on weed.

This book is ten times better on weed.

Are you a 25 year old and love powerlifting? Otherwise I don't care.

Are you a 25 year old and love powerlifting? Otherwise I don't care.

Yup, the music of the good old days was nothing but sunshine and flowers. For proof of this, look no further than the music of one of the most popular bands of the 60's

Yup, the music of the good old days was nothing but sunshine and flowers. For proof of this, look no further than the music of one of the most popular bands of the 60's

I still stand by my opinion that this is the greatest Wikipedia entry of all time

I still stand by my opinion that this is the greatest Wikipedia entry of all time

More Funner Fun fact: The woman who played Stifler's Mom graduated from my high school, and once gave the commencement speech

More Funner Fun fact: The woman who played Stifler's Mom graduated from my high school, and once gave the commencement speech

You will die alone and unloved.

You will die alone and unloved.

How about the ending scene of Takashi Miike's "Gozu"? Yeaaaahh….

How about the ending scene of Takashi Miike's "Gozu"? Yeaaaahh….

Fruit carts will be overturned.
Many grapes will be lost.
The streets will run red with the juice of pomegranates.

Fruit carts will be overturned.
Many grapes will be lost.
The streets will run red with the juice of pomegranates.

Also sounds like this one Michael Douglas movie I saw a while ago. I guess there's a whole group of movies with plots like that though