I heard the marketers are almost ready to roll out their high end Jailhouse Pruno campaign
I heard the marketers are almost ready to roll out their high end Jailhouse Pruno campaign
What's the point of a Kick-Murder squad? Just give them guns
All I wanted for the ending was for multiple dogs to show up and lie down next to each character as they died. Also I wanted the smoke monster to be a big Heffalump
At least Battlestar had the decency to only be 4 seasons long
Wayy too hot for them
Weasel Suit match is still my top wrestling moment
And that guy who was the perfect 90's douche grew up to become Lem on The Shield. And now you know the rest of the story.
I'd even settle for Jim Belushi and Joe Piscopo
They don't need a time jump they need a location jump. They need to move the whole thing to Mexico. See in Mexico they have this holiday called Day of the Dead. So in a Zombie apocalypse all the Mexicans would actually worship Zombies which is super interesting and would totally revitalize the show.
More accurately he overplays it
She does have a busted uterus
I still watch but I fast forward through most of it. Takes me about 15 minutes to watch an episode. Don't really feel like I miss much
I assume it meant people to serve as slaves but its unclear what use the trash people would have for slaves other than making them cool outfits out of garbage
I believe their end game is to keep shaking that money tree until every last dollar has floated down to them
That's because kitchens still had walls back then
Nah it took off as soon as Tuco showed up
Do you think bringing in Gus and Mike so soon was always in Gilligan's plans for the show? Part of me wonders if it just hasn't worked out the way he planned. I'm not sure I'd still be watching if it was just the adventures of Jimmy.
So what using the c word once makes it a red band trailer? Fucking kids
I just got even cooler
When I go I always ask for my fries Doggy Style