
In hell you can only get Crown Royal

You mean other than calling it a lumbering tumescent mess

Doesn't mean you can't sleep thru it

I normally enjoy Teti's humour but if he wants to mock the announcers for not being able to pronounce a French guys name his choice to also mock the player for his French accent when he said his name clearly make's him look pretty douche like


Baruchel seems to have some talent as a writer but he needs some help he could use somebody to tell him "this scene is really stupid go rewrite it"

Carol's guilt/PTSD thing is getting really old. Either kill her off or have the King deep dick her back to health.

My introduction to model kits was when my brother gave me the extra parts from his Aurora Glow in the Dark Godzilla kit. I still have my Godzilla head on a foot proudly displayed

Then the reference to one of the partners killing himself is completely pointless

It was just mentioned in the Shameless review but for some weird reason it bothers me when they have someone handling a container of liquid that is supposed to be full but from the way it is handled is obviously empty. The way they picked up those Nitro bottles out of the crate made it clear they were empty how

When I look at the animated Spiderman series now I'm not sure there are more than about 600 individual drawings for the entire series

He also mentions that this is the reason the company is hemorrhaging money and they are there to take over the park. If this happened 30+ years ago why mention it at all as a cause for the money problems? It only makes sense if Arnold died recently

His reference to "one of the partners killed himself" was clearly a recent event. It would make no sense for them to be talking about a company that was in turmoil because one of the partners had killed himself 34 years ago

Not sure why Becca thought the Sixth Sense was supposed to be scary I don't know anyone who thought it was scary.
I also think a lot of this depends on what you've heard about a movie. You're much more likely to be scared by a movie that you know nothing about than one that you've been hearing hype about for years

I recall a rainy day in June 82 when I went to see Khan, The Thing and Conan all in the same day it was fantastic. I saw all of these movies in the summer of 82:
Blade Runner
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Conan The Barbarian
48 Hrs
The Thing
Officer and a Gentleman
Personal Best

Every male in his family died of a heart attack before 50 he was pretty much doomed

Nice of her to get better after her pains were the cause of all this

So I guess Maggie isn't dying anymore?

For AMC that will be season 29

Blaming Stephen King still sounds like more fun