
Not sure what scandalous would even mean related to a guy who has lived on booze amphetamines and potato chips for the last 40 years

Not sure what scandalous would even mean related to a guy who has lived on booze amphetamines and potato chips for the last 40 years

As a black man in the 20s I would think any excursions past Free Parking would cause problems

As a black man in the 20s I would think any excursions past Free Parking would cause problems

I was surprised when Chalky said he'd stash Eddie in an apartment on Indiana Ave. I would have thought the reds would be a little too pricey real estate for Chalky

I was surprised when Chalky said he'd stash Eddie in an apartment on Indiana Ave. I would have thought the reds would be a little too pricey real estate for Chalky

I can't believe I never thought of cutting the insulation out of my giant 7/11 mug so it would hold more drink damn!

I can't believe I never thought of cutting the insulation out of my giant 7/11 mug so it would hold more drink damn!

As a Canadian am I allowed to slag her here or will VanDer whatshisname jump out of the bushes and start screaming that I'm a misogynist

As a Canadian am I allowed to slag her here or will VanDer whatshisname jump out of the bushes and start screaming that I'm a misogynist

But his wife enjoys betting on football

Nucky's plan is to get Torrio's Chicago action

Nucky's plan is to get Torrio's Chicago action

Nucky's plan is to get Torrio's Chicago action

They could have Andrew Mellon meet Doyle and slap him around a bit

They could have Andrew Mellon meet Doyle and slap him around a bit

That would certainly make more sense than a woman in her 40s suddenly dropping dead from a stroke

That would certainly make more sense than a woman in her 40s suddenly dropping dead from a stroke

You could have skipped the part where you call him on owning a VCR in 78

You could have skipped the part where you call him on owning a VCR in 78