
All Ben Stiller movies would be better without him in them

All Ben Stiller movies would be better without him in them

Let me guess you don't have a tv either so your leisure hours are spent bothering people with your tales of not having a cell phone or tv

Let me guess you don't have a tv either so your leisure hours are spent bothering people with your tales of not having a cell phone or tv

You might want to watch it again

Except for Alan thicke's show from Canada couldn't get enough of that Pete Barbuti

Not to take anything away from Carson but his peak was still during the 3 Network days there weren't very many choices if you didn't want to watch the Tonight show

Did you watch the show Kyle? Sotzing appears on camera about a dozen times

If you watch the Ponderosa video Tarzan was really mad at Alicia for voting him off the alliance was real

Did you notice as soon as the show ended he was gone didn't talk to anyone just walked off stage right past all the survivors

I was pleased to see that Mayim isn't really built like Amy on BBT

Who did he play?

They all chose to be on the show. If you don't want to be seperated from your loved ones stay home

Her eyebrows are threatening to take over her whole face

No mention of Theo's girlfriend with the great arse?

From now on when I say suck my dick you say" Do you want me to lick your balls daddy?"

Since Kim intends to take Tarzan with her to the end Alicia and Christina are actually in the bottom 7

Edison didn't electrocute the elephant to demonstrate the effectiveness of direct current. He electrocuted the elephant with Altenating current to demonstrate how much more dangerous it was than his direct current

I'm sure Glenn Anderson would be more than happy to toot your horn

Fleshy-headed mutant. Are you friendly? 
No way, eh? Ra-… radiation has
made… me an enemy of civilization