Harry Seaward

I'll shower on some love for Adam Carolla. I hated the man show when I was younger, and now I find it hit or miss. But his work with Dr. Drew on Loveline was hilarious, as was The Adam Carolla Show on KLSX. He really is one of the "quickest" comedians I've ever heard. His podcast is still finding its legs a bit, but

Good God, some of those pages are horrible. It's hard to believe MySpace doesn't have a warning for epileptics. I just wonder what people think when they do a layout design like that and then go back and check their final results.

no thank you
It's strange, b/c I just deleted my MySpace account yesterday after 4-5 years of use. It had been a while since I logged in, and as a 26 year old male, I def felt creepy when I did. It seems to be nothing but High School kids with profile pics taken in their mirror. Facebook won this battle, but who knows

Allen the bully
was played by the same kid who played "Squints" Palledorous in the Sandlot. Really fun to see him grown up, playing a character so opposite Squints.

Bill was definitely my fav character, Starr absolutely nailed that part. All mouth breathing and giant eyes.

Great line crunchy

John Goodman is the tits, he needs more work.

You should also try using an email address without the word "hotmail" it.

Heart Condition
When I was 7, my babysitter told me about a movie she had seen where a guy gets a heart transplant and then gets haunted by the ghost of the man the heart came from. This TERRIFIED me at 7. I just couldn't wrap my head around something that scary.

That's a good point Bernice, I'm sure there are plenty of comedies out there that tried something different and failed big time. I'll think of one as soon as I hit "post."

I Told Her, I just say "cult classic" because I think this movie is going to make zero money at the box office. I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy it based on what I've heard and read, but the hate for this movie is building up as well. I have much more appreciation for something that strives for dark humor and

Good enough for me
Maybe this has already been said, but I'm checking this out based purely on the balls it takes to try something new in comedy. Maybe this won't be the "funniest" comedy this year, but to attempt something that antagonizes the audience a little bit and maybe make them question what's funny and what

Hell yes to King Khan. I enjoy the stuff he does with The Shrines more than BBQ show, but both are good. It's like do-wop mixed with garage punk and some crazy lyrics. Not unlike the Black Lips (ATL represent!), which is the band that led me to Khan in the first place.

The absolute best Office is a deleted scene where Michael describes going hunting and killing a deer.

I hope you carry a spare bowl of candy beans!

Brother Ali?
Man, he really sounds like fellow RhymeSayer Brother Ali, in both voice and flow. Ali is tight; copying Ali = not so tight.

I instantly dismissed this entire thread


"You may have seen this swimsuit in the pages of US Weekly, being worn by Dame Judy Dench….

Bluish is the tits