Mr Tea


"A generation of children are growing up associating computer use with fun, grease, and food. I will flee to the mountains before I see how porn gets folded into that equation."


Some illustrative examples would have hugely improved this article. Licensing issues?

Terry Fator? Jesus. That was like watching a 6-miniute trailer for a really shitty direct-to-video sequel to Magic. The Kathy Griffin doll was appropriately hideous though.

But, Christopher Lee! I mean, come on. Christopher fucking Lee!

Has anyone noticed how Terence Stamp and Malcolm McDowell are basically turning into the same person?

And now… Seek out the Hal Willner collection, Rogues Gallery, for a properly nautical knees-up.

No, no, no. Wrong. Robson and Jerome were never a pop band. They were just two actors of middling calibre who were exploited (at great personal profit) by a cynical showbiz money-man who saw an opportunity to milk the teats of the musically unsophisticated for a while. They probably didn't realise that they were

Wow! How d'you get the capital H?

Any nomes in the Long Earth?

Selby Jr! Whoo! Oh, wait. This is a different 'The Room'. Moving on.

Hey, buddy - you don't get to call her Riri unless you've personally juiced those apples.

This is no longer a relevant comment.

Loving Hawkeye. Hating Constantine. This looks well worth a pop

By Jupiter's Cock I… Oh wait, this is an old thread. Sorry. Another time, maybe.

I'm holding out for the next Iain M Banks Sci-fi magnum opus…
He's what?

L Ron Hubbard?

D'you know, I rather lost track of the whole 'rap' thing somwhere back in the mid-90s - but my daughter recently apprised me of this platter's release and played me a couple of radical cuts from it on the Spotty-Fi. Jolly exciting stuff! Go Kayne!

And four issues in, it's confirmed. They should have just fucking killed him off. What a mess. Crappy plotting; fussy, inconsistent art; Dick van Dyke standard cockernee-style dialog. Cancel that shit, by the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!