Gogols Nose Army

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus Fair enough. I didn't mean to unfairly characterize your perspective. I don't think I've seen many Eureka clones on the network— could someone do a piece on those terrible Syfy Original movies? What are the economics on that? Why do they keep getting made?

I'm not sure Sanctuary should be grouped with SGU. Sanctuary, which I watched and enjoyed, was nevertheless deeply silly. Snarky sometime-vampire Tesla? Hollow earth? Emo Jack-the-Ripper?
SGU was aiming higher, but constrained by its BGS and Voyager roots. I still wish both shows were on, and Eureka, and Alphas, and

That would be so much better!

His statements always involve the basic 'would I?' question, but the type of answer changes, thereby asking us to guess the question, sort of like a disgusting sexist Jeopardy. Careful attention to this game make us complicit in his point of view. Since the final hot mommy gives him a suggestive smile, and I assume

Especially considering science and its applications has greater than ever impact on our lives than ever, what with an ever changing technological landscape racing against impending apocalypse. "Nope, nothing to see here folks. Here's another police procedural and some gritty rebooted fairy tales!"

And that was not intentionally a short joke…

Oh Kat. She was my favorite woman on TV for a short while there…

@avclub-1cfead9959b76ce44a847c850b61c587:disqus is Continuum any good? Because Lot Girl is pretty terrible and the video game show is deeply suspect.

Yeth. Tho wha?

Glad you brought back Pond, but since we have a Gary/Doctor I'd like to see Bill as his companion.

And she could have mind-raped you into doing so. If that's a further enticement.

Maybe he can get his buddy John Sayles to write, edit, and direct an Alphas feature length film.

You should though. Seriously, it's good. And I only started watching Leverage a month before it was gone, but I'll keep going— because of Parker.

Ba ba dadda da da!

Ryan Cartwright's got chops, but I mainly want to see Gary as The Doctor, rather than anyone else. "That's right. I'm The Doctor now. What are you doing? Don't do that— you know I don't like touching. No, I'm not sad. I just scream sometimes about the death of Gallifrey. They're all dead now. I killed them." Screams.

The two seasons feel like a complete story, and I think the show's brilliant moments overshadow its weaknesses. Knowing Gary alone is worth it. Also, hey, sorry about Leverage.

Eureka is not to blame and was canceled too. As someone who spends a lot of time around scientists, I will stand by its science fiction cred. Its storylines were light but that was the point. It was a hyper-intellectual Mayberry, or Bradbury daydreaming, and packed more science and scientistness into most episodes

Despite being held up by VanDerWerff as an example of SyFy taking the road more traveled, Eureka was a very smart show. Warehouse 13… is like a fuzzy scifi puppy. Alphas deserved more seasons but they went out strong. Now we have, what, the dour idiocy of Being Human or that fucking succubus thing and Skarktoginapus 4

I need help reacting to something.

Not at all speaking of Gremlins, can we lose that damned Legit ad already? It makes me go all hatey.