urethra franklin

do yourself a favour and watch Thief, Manhunter, Last Of The Mohicans, Heat, The Insider, Ali and Miami Vice

I couldn't get into Public Enemies, something about the digital look in a historical setting just threw me out of it, though Collateral and Miami Vice were visually amazing. MV I was nonplussed about at the cinema but it has since really grown on me (Farrell's face notwithstanding)
The plot here sounds pretty silly.

how do you feel about Motorhead?

"Vulnicuta" is the Icelandic word for "Hi, I'm batshit crazy"

I like the Dap Kings but personally don't look forward to an onslaught of that sound in the mainstream, which given the success of this is probably likely.

saw it last weekend with Mrs Franklin and Junior Franklin and it is entertaining enough, but I was hoping Capaldi would suddenly go full throttle Malcolm Tucker mode just to spice things up for the parents

you're possibly overthinking this


comparing this in any way, however tangential, to the D'Angelo album should be considered blasphemy

I got more of a Cameo/Zapp feel
but yeah, its garbage

Make a move and the bunny gets it.

what about Prince & The Revolution?

Christ on a bike, it's as if people are publishing academic studies simply so that O'Neal can be unleashed on them

Gone Girl II: The Secret Of The Oooohs

Ornette Coleman is beyond even my levels of cruelty

he was good in the 11 O'Clock Show but that is going back a hell of a long time now

it's funny because he's retarded

Motley Crue would like a word with 'your friend', if indeed that is his real name

A semi-relevant anecdote/csb alert: at university I lived with a bunch of idiots in a shared house and to express my displeasure at being woken up at 3am by a bunch of screaming morons and pop music,possibly a Daniel Bedingfield and Nelly-infused carnival of shit, I once cued up "Eruption" on the stereo, turned it up